Saturday, June 30, 2007

Jaunty Pussy newsflash!

Last night I actually saw a guy wearing the pussy-bow shirt pictured in this post! In a state of feverish excitement, I blurted out, "I love your shirt! It's Hem & Haw, isn't it?" God. Like Melissa Rivers or, worse, Richard Wilkins.

He smirked. "Naturally!" he said. Bah. For all I know he designed the thing.


  1. totally unrelated to your post but I thought you'd like to know that your blog is my work distraction of choice. please write something new soon.


    a fan

  2. I echo the above comment. I'd also like to mention that it's disturbing to come here hoping - nay, pining - for a new post, only to find the words RICHARD WILKINS staring at me, taunting me. He is a bad bad man :(

    More, please!

  3. What they said ... come on Mel!

  4. Read this and thought of you:

  5. Hmmm, the most interesting bit from that link, I think, was this:

    Rather than be the old junk that gets tossed, hipsters seek to be the ones who do the tossing, even to define what should be tossed, when possible, and to make sure they're on the right side of the street when the garbage truck huffs by.

    So it's a way of establishing some kind of agency in a world in which we have very little direct control over the circumstances of our lives. Which is why the conclusion seems like a really big ask:

    It will be necessary to focus less on the subtext of the times, and more on what's creating it. To decide to make fundamental changes which won't be fun in current language. [...] to try to form something new based on being constructive, creative, adaptable, sustainable and harmonious.

    The writer acknowledges that such radical change will be unpleasant; but given that people generally prefer to do things they enjoy, I was looking for tips on how they are to effect this proposed radical lifestyle change. There were none. Sheer moral righteousness, I suppose.
